1510 W. Drake Drive, Tempe, Arizona USA 85283


Van Horn Aviation | Composite Rotor Blades
Van Horn Aviation | Composite Rotor Blades


Got a question? We’re here to help

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the relationship between Van Horn Aviation and Bell Helicopter?

    While we enjoy a close working relationship with Bell Helicopter, Van Horn Aviation is a separate privately-owned company and is not owned by Bell Helicopter. VHA has signed distribution agreements with Aeronautical Accessories (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bell Helicopter) that allows Aeronautical to exclusively distribute VHA 206/OH-58 Tail Rotor Blades (Part Number 2062200-301 only). These agreements do not affect VHA 206L Main Rotor Blades (Part Number 2062200-301), 206B Version 2 Main Rotor Blades, UH-1 Tail Rotor Blades, or miscellaneous tools and accessories (such as bearings and swaging tools). 

  • Where can I purchase a set of Van Horn Aviation Rotor Blades?

  • If I have an AB206, can I use VHA tail rotor blades?

    No. The EASA certification on our Tail Rotor Blades does not extend to the Agusta AB206 model. 

    However, for operators who have AB206B helicopters (or 206A that has been converted to AB206B3) using the long tail rotor blades, there is no technical objection to using our 2062200-301/501 Tail Rotor Blades as replacement parts. There have been a few operators who have received field approval through their local aviation authorities to install our blades (in Australia and New Zealand, for example). 

    Note that this is the same situation for AB206B operators who want to use VHA 206B Main Rotor Blades Part Number 20635000-501

    For more information, please email us at Info@VanHornAviation.com.

  • My JetRanger is registered in Europe. Can I purchase and install the VHA 206B3 main rotor blades?

    No. After two years of paying enormous EASA fees and submitting documentation with little progress toward what is supposed to be reciprocal certification, VHA gave up our efforts to obtain EASA certification on the JetRanger main rotor blades. We did not seek EASA certification on our 206L LongRanger main rotor blades.

  • After installing the 206/OH-58 tail rotor blades, the pilot needs to input extreme right pedal on takeoff. Is this normal?

    NO. Extreme right pedal pressure on takeoff indicates that the tail rotor is rigged incorrectly. Our installation procedures instruct maintenance professionals to subtract a half degree from standard tail rotor rigging procedures and to remove ALL existing counterweight washers, weight attachment bolts and nuts from the rigging when installing our blades. When the blades are rigged correctly, pilots will input neutral or slight right pedal on takeoff.

  • After installing the 206/OH-58 tail rotor blades, the pilot needs little to no right pedal input on takeoff. Is this normal?

    Yes, this is normal for VHA 206/OH-58 tail rotor blades.  Our blades are more responsive and require less input. When the blades are rigged correctly, a pilot flying VHA blades doesn’t need to input as much right pedal during takeoff or hover. The different feel can be disconcerting for some pilots at first, but is normal.

  • Do VHA 206B Main Rotor Blades need to be returned to VHA for overhaul?

    No. While you can return your blades to VHA for overhaul if that's the most convenient option, we also have approved several rotor blade repair stations around the world who can overhaul your VHA 206B V1 main blades. Visit our Authorized Repair Stations for a list of VHA approved repair stations. Note that the 206B Version 2 Main Rotor Blades (P/N 20635000-501) do not have an overhaul requirement.

  • How do I zero the 206B Version 1 MRB trim tab?

    A custom trim tab zeroing tool was shipped with early 206B and 206L main rotor blades to assist operators with MRB trim tab tracking. 

    For a "VHA How To: Adjust the Trim Tab" click here to watch a brief tutorial.

    Operators who do not have the zeroing tool can call us at 480-483-4202 or email Info@VanHornAviation.com for assistance. 

  • How can I get a VHA Equipped sticker?

    VHA Equipped Stickers are available for free-reach out using our contact form to submit your request. They are also included in the documents package of every set of VHA main or tail rotor blades purchased after January 2017.

Contact us to elevate your operations!

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