1510 W. Drake Drive, Tempe, Arizona USA 85283


Van Horn Aviation | Composite Rotor Blades
Van Horn Aviation | Composite Rotor Blades

T&B Guidelines for VHA Main Rotor Blades

To assist operators in their goal of a smooth and painless track & balance experience, VHA engineers compiled a set of procedures and best practices for performing track and balance on VHA 206B/L main rotor blades using either trim tabs or tracking wedges. 

These procedures combine steps from maintenance manuals, input from operators around the world, and the engineers’ own experience installing VHA main rotor blades on company ships. The document applies to all VHA main rotor blades, including 206B Version 1 and Version 2, and 206L main rotor blades.

Note that this document provides supplemental information. Operators should still read and follow the Installation section of the appropriate Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) document for the main rotor blade being installed. The ICA for each part number can be found on the Documents page.

The track & balance document can be accessed here.

Note that this document has been largely superceded by Technical Bulletin TB 20630000-2R2.

Photo credit:  Helicopters Canada installing VHA 206B main rotor blades on their JetRanger.


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