1510 W. Drake Drive, Tempe, Arizona USA 85283


Van Horn Aviation | Composite Rotor Blades
Van Horn Aviation | Composite Rotor Blades

DSI Offering VHA Main Rotor Blade Software for VXP Systems

Diagnostic Solutions International (DSI) is expanding its capabilities to support Van Horn Aviation (VHA) main rotor blades by offering VHA 206B and 206L main rotor blade track and balance software for the Honeywell Vibration Expert (VXP) system. VHA worked with DSI in the past to develop software for the Enhance Vibrex 2000+ (EV2K) and paper charts for the Vibrex 2000+ (V2K+) to track and balance VHA main rotor blades.

VHA engineers agree that the VXP is one of the most powerful systems available for vibration based maintenance. In addition to a user-friendly and intuitive design, the VXP’s unique software can analyze the vibration levels in all regimes and offer a solution to that will minimize vibration at all target speeds.

The VHA-specific software should be available on or about March 15, 2019. VHA customers who use the VXP for track and balance of main rotor blades should contact DSI for upgraded software.

VHA’s continued relationship with DSI is just one aspect of our commitment to provide the best customer support possible.


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