1510 W. Drake Drive, Tempe, Arizona USA 85283
1510 W. Drake Drive, Tempe, Arizona USA 85283
If you're "on the fence" about VHA's 206B main rotor blades, let us fly you over to our side! We will be flying our 206B3 JetRanger (equipped with VHA 206B Version 2 main rotor blades and VHA -501 tail rotor blades) to Dallas for VERTICON 2025. On March 9-10, the helicopter and crew will be available for demo flights, and you can feel the ride for yourself. VHA Flight Operations Manager Terry Tyner, a 30-year veteran flight instructor and mechanic with Inspection Authorization status, will be your demo pilot; qualified helicopter pilots with 206 flight time are also eligible to take the controls.
For more information or to secure your spot, contact Liz Springer at 1.480.483.4202 or email Info@VanhornAviation.com
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